Get the lifelong companion you want from your puppy

Everything you need to ensure your puppy is properly socialized, even in times of quarantine and isolation

How do you socialize your puppy when you've been told to stay away from other people and animals? Puppy socialization has definitely changed with COVID-19. Puppy classes aren't running and you can't go meet up with friends & dogs in parks responsibly. While there is an advantage to having more time to train your puppy if you're home, there are definitely concerns about socialization. This course has been designed with the global pandemic in mind, by an expert in puppy socialization. With a PhD in animal behaviour and welfare as well as epidemiology, and a scientific research background in puppy socialization, Dr Janet Cutler has designed a course with you in mind. She will help guide you through everything you need to design your own personalized, social distancing, socialization plan for your puppy.
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Your full socialization plan

Personalized for your life and your puppy

  • What is socialization?

    Learn why socialization is so important, especially when your puppy is under 16 weeks of age.

  • Goals for puppy

    Really consider why you got a puppy and what you're wanting in an adult dog so you can plan socialization around that.

  • Your personalized checklist

    Develop a socialization plan and checklist tailored to your life and your puppy so you know what you should be exposing them to.

Your Instructor

Janet Cutler, PhD, CAAB


Janet Cutler, PhD, CAAB

Janet is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Certified Professional Dog Trainer. She has an MSc and PhD, both specializing in animal behaviour and welfare, as well as epidemiology. She's been working in the animal industry for 20 years; as a veterinary technician, behaviour researcher, dog trainer and behaviour consultant. Janet is passionate about helping families and their pets. Janet spends her time at home with her family, including her three daughters, husband, and two dogs.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Puppy Socialization Basics

    • What you need to know about puppy socialization
  • 2

    2. Socialization Categories for Puppies

    • What kinds of things does my puppy need to experience?
  • 3

    3. Puppy Goals

    • Working on your puppy goals.
  • 4

    4. Developing your puppy socialization plan

    • Puppy Socialization Plan & Checklist